Our guiding principles
- The poor and deprived are the equivalent of any in society
- No-one should be a victim of charity
- Their dignity and right to self-determination is immutable
- ‘Make local central’
Our mission
To help practically and on people’s own terms to improve their circumstances – economically, ecologically, humanly – across all the SDGs. We will achieve this, at scale, by:
- Knowing and working closely with those that need help
- Listening and responding to their needs in line with our principles
- Being there for long term – but only as long as they need it
We will share our insights, learning and practices
- Without hesitation, constraint, or tariff
- With academic engagement to provide evidence of effectiveness
- We will advocate globally for change in the ‘system of aid and development’
- Using our insights and outcomes to demonstrate effectiveness
- Opening new channels and collaborations
- Creating new operating models
- Shifting the balance of fund flows