Disasters occur in many forms, caused by or contributing to most of the Sustainable Development Goals – agreed by 190 nations under the auspices of the UN.
Natural disasters come in many different forms: extreme weather, floods, drought, wildfires, volcano, earthquake and disease.
On top of that we have the results of conflict: famine, poverty and mass migration.
Figures from the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters suggest that natural disasters point to the frequency increasing to more than 1 per day across the world. 100m people were affected in 2020 with a global cost of $170bn.
The people and costs for conflict and displacements such as in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and other conflict zone are in a different league.
In all cases, people should be helped (fed, medicated, accommodated and re-homed) and the economy repaired and reconstructed.
The evidence is that many disasters are predictable (at least to some extent); but all too often no readiness is in place
When the inevitable happens, it may be worse than it should have been, response may be slow and recovery incomplete.
We aim to fix that by engaging the local resources of social entrepreneurs as part of a new operating model.
This initiative is working under the banner of Catalyst2030 – a global movement of social entrepreneurs focused on sustainability and the SDGs.
Working with Catalyst 2030

- Catalyst 2030 is a global movement of social entrepreneurs and social innovators from all sectors who share the common goal of creating innovative, people-centric approaches to attain the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
- Joining forces with communities, governments, businesses and others, Catalyst 2030 members are changing systems at all levels through collective action and bold, new strategies.
- We are agents for change – social entrepreneurs, intermediaries, funders, NGOs and other social change innovators, collaborating in this urgent moment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- We know that the world was a long way from the ideal envisaged in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, even before the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- We know that the effects of this delay will be devastating for billions.
- Most importantly, we know that by working together using collaborative systems change approaches, we can change the way this story ends.
- For more details – connect to our website www.catalyst2030.net
The 3 phases of Disaster Management
Readiness, Response and Recovery
"Make Local Central" - The Big Idea
- International agencies often compete rather than collaborate in disaster situations…
- … and the voice of the people who need help is not heeded, neither are local resources trusted or empowered to be part of the solution
- Local Social Entrepreneurs know their communities, are trusted, and can quickly pivot to support disasters.
- But those local resources have not generally been organised to collaborate with external agencies, making it easy for external agencies to connect with them and listen/respond to real needs.
- The Disasters Group at Catalyst2030 has been working to define, develop and ultimately deploy a new operating model for disasters that empowers and supports local communities and their local social entrepreneurs to be a key resource in the process of addressing disasters.
- Hence the strapline is: “Make local central”.
- This is about co-designing a new operating model that puts social entrepreneurs and their communities at the heart of how disasters are managed; a collaboration between social entrepreneurs with national and international agencies.
Building the new operating model
- We have identified 6 tracks of the new operating model that need to be defined, brought through and integrated.
- This approach is based on Good Management Practice and established academic thinking

Where we are looking for help
- This project needs to be (1) Resourced and (2) requires Partners
- Resources are needed to support the team with professional expertise across the 6 blocks of work which needs some funding and will …
- …allow us find and interact with Partners – in the form of international agencies and NGOs
- That collaboration is central to the success of the future model. If you think you can help in any way please contact us below:
Email us at: disastersibg@catalyst2030.net